Best motivational speech why most people don't reach their dream

Best motivational speech why most people don't reach their dream

Most people don't reach their dream, not because of failure.

Most people don't live their dream because they give up. You see, it's not the failure that stops us, but that most stop at their first failure. Those who succeed don't stop at word failure. They don't stop at 10 failures. They don't stop at 101,000 or a million. They say this is my goal, and I will do whatever it takes to achieve. I will learn the lessons from any failures. I will learn fast. I will work hard. I will work smarter and I will not quit until my dream is a reality.

That's the difference between success and failure.

Failure makes winners stroke. Fill your mix winners whole career but it makes most give up it makes most feel worthless when don't enjoy failure. But they would never let failure stuff the next time you encounter failure, you got to remember every great thing on this planet is here because the creator learn what did work, but learn more from what did not work.
When we are kids, we don't stop at food.

We first learned to ride a bike, it's failure after failure. We get knocked down time after time, but we get up and push for it. So we'll achieve our goal of riding the bike. But then we get home and most of us get weak.

We are too soft to get back on the bike. We come up with excuses. It must not be for me.
No, you just saw. No you just tell yourself the truth. Get back on the bike. Learn why you fail. Make sure you don't fall again. Make sure you are stroke for half, the less.

Failure is not the end of your story. It is the start of your comeback story. If failure was the end of your story, there would be no greats. Great slide Jordan. greats like Einstein, like Edison, like Oprah Winfrey, these people stop at failure, the world would not be filled with their greatness as it is today. Failure is nothing but a lesson to the winner. Failure is nothing but motivation to the winner. Failure is fuel. No one likes to fail. But the difference between those that win and those that lose in life is the winner decides a better meaning for their failure. They decide never again, they declare I will be better next time. Don't let failure stop you. Let it roll, you let it develop you.

Failure is not the end. It's just the start the start of your comeback story.

The only way you can call it a failure is if you quit. If you keep going, it's only a hurdle. One you will overcome. The only way you can fail is if you quit, never quit, keep pushing, you will get there in the end. Failure doesn't exist in the mind of a champion. All it does is push him to a higher level. Are you a champion? Will you accept failure or keep going?

Listen, apply the lessons come out stronger than before and keep going. Some people feel failure so much. They never try. They never even start.

Some people give up right when they're About to succeed. They were so close when a friend to town, don't let that be. Thomas Edison didn't fail. He found 10,000 ways that did not work. Guess what, he only needed one way that did work.

 And Stan said, failure is success in progress. Failure is just one more way not to do something. Keep going and you will succeed. Keep going and you will succeed. Failure is not the end of your story is the start of your comeback story.

If you use failure as fuel, you can't really fail. If you use it as motivation, you cannot be defeated in the long term. If you try to make it could never break. If you've never set to feet, you can never refuse to beat your feet.

Learn to less, find a new path in a different way to get go.

There's always a way
Sometimes I tend to think, is there really a difference between success and failure? Well, many of us we tend to deal with the failure first. The failure starts to put a fire inside our stomach to go out there and chase the things that we truly want. Now you asked yourself, what was the reason you wanted to be? what you wanted to be? What was the reason why you want to start that business? What was the reason? Well, you won't have to try to make it to the NBA, or the NFL, or the MLB. Some of us play championship games. Someone was playing playoff games. Some of us win the championship. And some of us never make it. I remember the year when I watch LeBron James lose in the playoffs. I saw him run off the court without saying, anyone.

The media criticised him.

But when I realised he was heart failure has sat place in a place that he loved the most, but that follow is safe. When he reaches success, it was because of the failure. It was because of faces. They looked at their look disappointment. That offseason, he made a decision. Ladies and gentlemen, he made a decision to turn his failures to success, he made a decision to turn his pain into glory. So access is failure and success. Really diff my opinion, they go hand in hand. Because a man can never learn without making mistakes, and failing in life.

Let's embrace it all


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